
!!! And now let the screaming start!

June 21, 2010 - Mississauga - Executive Centre

Mark Nash Reports:

I hooked up with Bruce this afternoon at MEC and got the updates. Two of the boys (Joe and Craig on the nest ledges running a flapping, sleeping and screaming as per the norm), and of course Wade cooling off in the air conditioning. Xuan (Soon) still on the upper nest roof ledges screaming most of the day for mom to come and feed her, but know avail. A very quiet afternoon indeed (with the exception of Soon screaming all afternoon), up until 6:20 pm when mom finally flew into the nest box and spoon fed each of the two boys beak to beak in a delightfully entertaining 20 minutes as I watched her feed each juvenile. Unlike most of the feedings these days when mom simply flies in and has the food aggressively snatched from her by one fo the juveniles, this was a really tender family moment.

Finally at around 8:40 pm, Xuan finally made the leap into space and flew south of the nest building roof where she had been all night and all day today, hooked around flapping for all she was worth and made a very bad landing,, BUT she did land on the nest box landing platform never the less. She screamed the entire way out and around as she collided with the upper lip of the nest box. She hit the landing platform so hard, I could here the “thunk” from my street level position, and almost bowled over one of her brothers right off the nest box landing platform.

By dark, all three of the juveniles had retired back into the nest box and disappeared from my view.
Back to examine little Wade just before releasing him. Feisty and very alert with lots of attitude, we proceeded to the upper nest building roof top to release Wade. He was released without innocent and I was finally able to depart for home at around 10PM.
We’re almost there!!! A couple of more days to go…
Stay tuned…….