
Public Banding Schedule for 2010

May 27, 2010 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre

Matt MacGillivray Reports:

It’s that time of year again.  The peregrine chicks need to be extracted from the nest, weighed, banded and put back into the nest before they fledge.

Banded Peregrine by Stepy, found in the Canadian Peregrine Foundation pool on Flickr

Banding is an important part of ongoing monitoring for Peregrine Falcons, as it helps to re-identify a specific individual when spotted later.  This allows us to study migration, longevity, mortality, population, territoriality, feeding behaviour and other aspects of ornithology and conservation.  Read more about banding here.

The current schedule is as follows:

  1. Toronto Sheraton Centre Banding - Friday May 28 at 10:00AM (43rd floor, Pinnacle Room).
  2. Etobicoke Sun Life Centre Banding - Friday June 4th at 10:00AM (awaiting confirmation).
  3. Mississauga Executive Centre / MEC Banding - Friday June 4th at 2:00PM (awaiting confirmation).

Bandings are a great opportunity to see young Peregrine Falcons up close, and to learn more about the banding process.  If you are a budding ornithologist, birder, or generally interested in wildlife, a banding is a great experience!

Updates to this schedule will be posted here.

Photo courtesy of Stepy from the flickr pool.