
!!! 2 Eggs, both adults in full incubation mode!

May 03, 2010 - Etobicoke - William Osler

CPF Postmaster Reports:

With many thanks to Bruce, three hours of observations paid off this morning as he was able to confiorm the hostpitals report of two more eggs in the nest tray being incubated and tended to by both adults.
Bruce was able to confirm the the resident male is still Hurricane, the little male that was produced at the Toronto Sheraton Hotel back in 2004 and showed up at the William Osler Hospital in 2007. He has been the territorial resident at this nest site ever since. His female mate dawns a Black over green band - (still yet to be identified) and a purple coloured USFW band. Bruce whitnessed a changing of the guard at approx. 11am and it appears that both adults are in fact sharing the incubating duties.
Stay tuned………….