
!!! Volunteers Needed!!!

April 20, 2010 - Windsor - Ambassador Bridge

Dennis Patrick Reports:

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for our watch team. There is a work shop on May16th @ The Canadian Super store on Walker Rd. between 1 to 4.
If you are interested in more information or know that you would like to volunteer to watch the Peregrines take their first flights then send your email to:
At 7:00 PM last night Freddie came out of no where with a food package. Voltaire accepted and flew to the pipe and ate. She then flew to the steeple and preened herself for an hour. At 8:11 Voltaire relieved Freddie on the nest and went into dark on the nest.
Voltaire was very relaxed more so than we have seen her when she left Freddie on the eggs. The changing of the guard only takes about 20 seconds so you really have to keep your eyes peeled.
Again any questions feel free to contact the above email.
We are not sure yet how many eggs the two have laid but we are hoping for four.

The stoop The shadow Lets Eat