
!!! Angel doing well!

February 13, 2010 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre

Kathy Reports:

With reports of a possible skirmish between two raptors in the vicinity last evening, I decided to take a trip out to the site today to check on Angel.  I found her dozing peacefuly on her usual perch.  She has been visible at the site on a daily basis the past few weeks, in spite of the cold temperatures. 

Her errant mate did pay a visit on Monday and there was some vocalization between them however no signs of any courtship rituals at all compared to last year at this time.  He seems to be spending the bulk of his time at his other site the past few weeks and with news that the former resident male there will be extending his stay in rehab past mating season - I expect he will definitely be nesting there this year. 

The question is will he attempt to nest here as well or can we expect a new mate for Angel.  It is still early days and I expect in the next few weeks we should know the answer to that question as Angel is usually the first to lay her eggs in the city.

Stay tuned…