
Toronto Peregrine creates a family at Durat Hotel in downtown Flint Michigan

December 30, 2009 - International, National and Local News

Matt MacGillivray Reports:

It looks as if a 7 year old Toronto Peregrine Falcon named Majestic, has created a family with an 8 year old Peregrine named Barry from Ohio.  The pair had a chick earlier this year, named Maize, who has become a bit of a mascot for Flint, and the local Michigan University according to this Flint Journal article which includes great photos and video.

It is great to hear about Canadian Peregrines moving on to create new families beyond our borders.

I have yet to find details about Majestic’s birthplace or parents in Toronto, but will followup with more details if we find them.  Until then, here is a bit more information from the Michigan Times about the banding of Majestic’s chick Maize in the summer of 2009, including a great photo of a Peregrine atop the North Bank Centre.