
!!! Roman Holiday?

July 07, 2009 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre

Kathy Reports:

Another cool and mostly grey day today, where has summer gone?!   And where has our resident male gone?  For the past few days myself and several other falcon fans in the area have noticed that we seem to be missing a peregrine falcon.  The last time I observed him on-site was last Tuesday before I left for a few days off.  Everything seemed normal, both parents on-site and 3 kids hassling them for food.

The past 4 days I have been at the site and checked several times over the day and still no sign of Jack.  I’ve noticed that Angel is not on her usual perch at her habitual times and seems to be out hunting  more than she normally would at this point.   The 3 juveniles are still on-site and are  learning to perfect their hunting skills. 

There is a rumour out there that he may have absconded with a recently single black and white peregrine falcon with 3 kids of her own however I’m still holding out hope that  it’s just a case of mistaken identitiy..after all black and white peregrine falcon with bright orange feet could be anyone, right???!!!  Maybe he’s just checking out new real estate, a home with a lakefront view perhaps? Or just enjoying some ‘me’ time?

In the meantime, have no worries as Angel is more than capable of looking after her brood at this late date.  She is an exceptional female falcon and the question remains, will she welcome him home from his vacation or tell him to ‘hit the road Jack’! 

Stay tuned….