
!!! Two positively, three maybe

June 21, 2009 - Toronto - King Street

Linda Woods Reports:
Most of the day only two of the juvies who are  already flighted were positively seen. The third was elusive and was not seen while the others were in view. Of course the un-flighted bird is still in the nest.
They stayed mainly on the upper and lower south side of # 33 Victoria St, and # 1 Toronto.
3:00p.m. one made an attempt for the roof of # 18 King St. missed, did the “bat thing” and released ended up on the cooling tower level of CHFI. 
Very little activity was seen from any of the peregrines. Sunny and warm temperatures had them all seeking shade.
Around 5:45 food was delivered to the roof of # 33 Victoria St.  While those two went out of view vocalizing could be heard, but I wasn’t sure that it was coming from Speck, who is still in the nest.
 By 6:30, two of the juvies were then seen on the lower mezzanine roof of # 33 Victoria St beaking and typical juvenile greetings. One took off towards # 1 Toronto st. but was out of my view by the time I made my way around to a sight line.
8:45 pm, watching from a distance, I could see one juvie has made it back to the far south louvered ledge.
Adults are on Dundee Place.
At 9:05 p.m I discovered this image from the webcam, at the same time I had in view one other on the far south ledge. I guess one has made it back to the ledge while the other remains at nest level in the far south louvered ledge. One juvie still not in my view.

One back to the ledge Flap flap