
!!! Two Fledges, One This Evening, Good Flights

June 19, 2009 - Toronto - King Street

Linda Woods Reports:
First fledge occured around 3:15p.m., wittnessed by Neil. I looked out my living room window after checking the webcam to see where the adults were, I noticed on bird sitting on the west facing peak of # 1 Toronto. Since  I didn’t hear any chatter on the radio and I didn’t think anything more of it. Wasn’t 100% sure it was a fledgling. No mention of any unusual activtiy when I returned to the site, eveything was quiet as usual.
Early this evening , Bruce and I were sitting at the corner of Court St. and Toronto St, when an adult flew over to # 1Toronto with prey. At this time I noticed a second bird there with it’s tail flushed against the flashing of the roof top. I didn’t think this was typical adult behaviour.  Bruce walked around and stated that it was an adult feeding an adult. I wasn’t too sure about that, but then, who knows what urban peregrines don’t do anymore.
Moments later the adult took off towards the nest building and the juvie right behind. Good second flight high and steady  over the King Edward.
The second fledge occured around 6:30p.m. and flew over # 33 Victoria St. it came eventually came to rest on the south facing mezzanine of # 33 Victoria St.  Another good strong flight wittnessed by Paul. 
 The two flew another time and both ended on the ballroom roof of the King Edward Hotel. The male was initally out of view but made it’s way over to the female and both settled for the time being.
Another fly around and and the male ended on the top of the chimney of KEH.
Eventually the female moved over to the base of the chimney and tucked in for the night. The male directly above, was lying down, and hopefully for the night.
Good strong flights, no misses or major slips, YES! that is the way to do it. Let’s hope they continue to do well
Today, many new faces dropped by the check on the status of the young ones.
I am sure everyone will be happy to hear that they have finally started to fly.