
The Peregrines Have Not Left The Ambassador Bridge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

June 27, 2009 - Windsor - Ambassador Bridge

Dennis Patrick Reports:

Junior the male chick is resting comfortably after a nasty tumble during the Vicious Thunder Storms we had on Thursday evening.

The family has not left to wander aimlessly around the region. Despite reports other wise. Two of our dedicated volunteers who are actually following what is going on at the Bridge found Junior grounded and with due protocol rescued the little fellow after that terrible storm.

We are all thankful that Ray and Toni listened to their hearts because of their love of the birds and went down just to see how the birds were doing. Gwen and I had been there in the morning but had other obligations going on when Junior needed to be rescued.

Gwen and I are totally thankful for Ray and Toni finding Junior, keeping their heads and most probably saving his life.

I will give you more information as I have it on Junior.

The chicks are not officially banded or named yet and the male will be named only in the event that he gets better.

There is still every reason in the world to go watch these birds dazzle you with their flight displays. We hope and pray that they stay loosely together as a couple around the bridge all winter again.

To the untrained eye you would say they have left but in actual fact they are hanging around in the same places they did before the hatch was announced and the commotion began.

As I said the Peregrines are not en route to sunnier climes and Junior is not on his way to South America he is resting quietly.

So lets put our thoughts and prayers into his convalescence.

I can’t thank our volunteers enough who are still faithfully daily keeping an eye on the birds. Ray and Toni just happened to be the implements that were in the right place at the right time but that began with their hearts being in the right place at the right time first.

So keep looking up and never assume you know it all. How can you learn anything that way? True genius is knowing that “the more you learn the less you know”. This is a book in the writing it is still in the works. I am thankful for the opportunity to be involved with such marvelous birds and the marvelous people who truly love the peregrine falcon.

Dennis and Gwenster and the “Falcon crazy Team”

P.S. I posted a couple stoop shots and some watchers!!