
Still no fledge

June 18, 2009 - Toronto - King Street

Linda Woods Reports:

All four remain on the nest ledge. Lots of flapping, screaming and running. This evening one of the juveniles was seen climbing the centre pillar.

Flight lessons from the adult, had us fooled momentarily as we had thought one took flight. It was the Erin, the adult female giving lessons. She would fly to the ledge walk through to the otherside and then take off, circling back to the ledge.  This afternoon, while one adult was on the railing of CHFI, the other was on the south-west corner of 33 Victoria. St.

Erin took food into the ledge this evening and did not immediately come back out after dropping it off. She must have been feeding the younger juvies.

I think we are getting close to a first fledge with this change of behaviour and hopefully change in weather for tomorrow. Warmer temperatures are fore-casted.