
!!! Still At Home

June 16, 2009 - Toronto - King Street

Linda Woods Reports:
Today, Zoe spent the morning and most of the afternoon watching King St. I joined Zoe at King St. site, mid afternoon.  
Zoe and I report that all four remain on the nest.
Lots of periodic flapping, but I don’t recall a lot of screaming.
No food went to the ledge this afternoon or evening.
And I did see all four for a split moment this evening.  Like watching  dolphins in  the water, a fourth peregrine breached my view and then disappeared to the back of the ledge.
The adults were seen coming in from the west, and circling over the nest building.
The adults can be seen sitting on the east facing side of # 1 King St. and also the spire of St.James.
This evening as the wind picked up and the air seemed to get chillier, the juvies disappeared behind the pillar.
All was quiet at dusk. No one in view.