
!!! Ready to Go

June 23, 2009 - Toronto - King Street

Linda Woods Reports:
This evening from 5:30p.m. - 8:00p.m. all 6 peregrines were in view.
5:30, four peregrines on the east facing ledges of the nest building and two were on the north west corner of the KEH.
Lots of flapping and head bobbing from Speck who is still “in the nest” I think he may go sooner than Friday. perhaps tomorrow.
He has a little white on the underside of his back, but his brother took flight with the same amount.
At 8:00p.m.
Adult on the roof of 18 King St and one on the spire. Speck was seen moving about the nest area and flapping on occasion. He is looking to see where the others are.
Three juveniles are now seen, on # 1 Toronto Street and are flying from one building to the next.
Adults are out of my line of sight.