
Ottawa Fledge Watch - Day 22

June 28, 2009 - Ottawa - Delta Ottawa City Centre

CPF Postmaster Reports:

None of us thought we would be still doing this 22 days after we started, but here we are. Our morning was very quiet. Breakfast was served early and as far as I know there were no more food drops to either chicklet. Nihei had to have her nap, of course.
Tailer has now mastered soaring, and has been seen going very high in the sky. He looks wonderful! He still likes to tuck himself in the box on the Crowne.
Nihei, on the other hand, seems to like the northeastern corner of Tower 1. Her brother flies over from time to time to sit with her. This time, when he flew over, both were at the corner, flapping vigorously. We expected her to bop him off the ledge, but that didn’t happen.
Then late this afternoon, the adults issued warnings and both flew over Tower 2. It turned out to be men working on the Minto, putting up the flag for Canada Day. Eventually the adults gave up. Tailer showed up on Tower A begging for food. Nihei was out of our sight.
We were sitting under the trees across the road when Nihei was in the air! She flew across to the hotel and tried to land in the box that her brother liked, but she couldn’t, so she turned back and landed on another part of the same roof she started out from. Then it poured. We ran into the bus shelted and continued to watch. Tailer was still on Tower A behind us. We could see him in the reflection of Tower 2. She then flew across to a good landing on Tower A and walked over to join Tailer. Diana and Connor showed up on the same tower. Apparently Diana had a small piece of meat. Connor jumped in and grabbed it! He flew out overhead and dropped it and Tailer flew out and caught it! Needless to say, Nihei complained loudly. We all felt she should have been rewarded for flying with dinner, but when we eventually left, she still had not eaten.
Soon Tailer was up on Tower B. Nihei wanted to join him and slowly flapped and walked down to the closest corner and flew, or hopped over to his side. They both made it to the southwest corner.
Then we saw a strange thing. Tailer flew very fast westwards. He muffed 4 landings, made it to Tower 1, left and went around the Crowne, back, missed another landing, flew around and landed on the corner of the nest ledge, flew out again and landed in the box where he likes to sleep. That is where we left them, in the rain.
We will continue tomorrow and possibly Tuesday, but I doubt our chicklets will need us further. Let’s hope we can sit and watch as they fly and play together in the sky!

Eve Ticknor