
Lots of activity at William Osler

June 19, 2009 - Etobicoke - William Osler

Kathy Smith Reports:

I arrived with my daughter Jenn around 2pm. today.  The 3 fledglings were flapping and hopping back and forth along the east and south ledge. Dad seems to spend alot of time hunting to the west and brought in food twice between 2:30 & 3:30pm.  Then the little one were full and went down for a knap.  They were back up and active by 5pm and another food package came.  Mom who sit on the hydro tower most of the time keeping a close eye on the activities, came over to help with the feeding. They wondered the east side of the ledge and as the sun moved over the building they move to the north side to soak it up. There were a few hop, skip & jumps until another food package came in @ 7:13pm and the larger of the 3 took off with it and mom decided to beak feed and made sure they all got their share.  They returnd to the north side of the ledge for a lay down.  Tracy joined me around 7pm, and after discuss the days events I left the watch in her faithful hands.