
Like Little Jack Rabbits!

June 16, 2009 - Etobicoke - William Osler

Tracy Simpson Reports:

The weather tonight is as fine as it gets and the three juveniles were enjoying it as much as I was.  It is nights like tonight that make watching juvenile peregrines so much fun.  All three young were literally hopping like little jack rabbits along the length of the ledge, pouncing and playing as they went.  Ah, to be young again!  These three juveniles are definately getting ready for the big day!  Apollo, the juvenile male, started off visiting dad ( the resident male Hurricane ) at the northeast corner of the nest ledge.  Then with a burst of energy that only kids are capable of, he did a combo hop, skip, run all the way down to the southeast corner of the nest ledge, slamming on the brakes just at the right moment.  I would swear he did it just to get a rise out of me!!  There on the corner he met up with his two siblings, Margherita and Katarina, who were diligently preening their feathers and ignoring his interest in play.  After a couple of minutes of trying to taunt them into a game, the juvenile male decided they were yucky girls and he would go play by himself ( so there!! ).  During the next 10 minutes, the juvenile male Apollo played with every feather he could find.  He would grab them first with the left foot, then the right, then the left…!  All this play is so important for the young juveniles as they learn how to attack and grab, move their wings in varying winds and tear food for themselves.  It’s just our good luck I suppose that they are so much fun to watch during this learning period!  At 8:05,  Hurricane joined mom on the watchtower ( hydro tower to the east ) and passed off dinner to her that she then delivered to her chicks.  This was thoroughly gobbled up by the three young just as bedtime was arriving.  With now visible crops, they waddled over to each other and plunked down on the southeast side in bed, looking like one big heap of brown feathers in the dim light.  As is routine, Mom did a last, quick flight around the building before settling in on her southeast corner for the night.