
!!! King St. Watch Begins, Volunteers Required

June 14, 2009 - Toronto - King Street

Linda Woods Reports:

The King St. Peregrine Falcon Fledgling Watch begins this week and once again volunteers are required.  Volunteers are needed to spot check and relieve other volunteers for breaks and meals. Or if you are crazy like the rest of us, jump right in and stay for a few hours. Bring your binoculars and note pad. Experience with bird watching is not required but helpful. Keen observations skills are a great asset. A hurry up and wait type of  experience when watching peregrines fledge. But when they get flying, a wonderful air show, usually in the evenings.

Drop by the 18  King St. area, 1 block east of Yonge St.  CPF volunteers can be located around the intersections of  Toronto St., Court St., King Sts. 

Just look for the people with the binoculars and scopes.  Drop by, say hello and /or relieve a volunteer for a 1/2 hour  lunch or dinner break.

CONTACT :   Head Office 416-481- 1233 and leave a message