
Jumbo Jets!

June 18, 2009 - Etobicoke - William Osler

Tracy Simpson Reports:

The three juveniles are having a great time today exploring!!  They have now realized that there are 3 sides to this ledge instead of just two.  As I approached the building from Highway 27, I could see two of the three young on the west side of the building.  In a flash, they flew/ran back down the southern ledge to the southeast corner where the resident female O’Connor was waiting.  O’Connor and her mate Hurricane have taken such good care of these chicks that she is turning her little juvenile “fighter jets” into “jumbo jets”.  At 7:07, they were fed ( spoon fed at that! ).  Then 7:37, another feeding!  Oh my gosh, 7:57 more food comes in!  You would think that they would be so full that they couldn’t move.  Wrong!!!  One minute the three chicks are standing together ( I would swear they were coming up with a plan ) and in a flash, one goes to the west, one to the east leaving one on the south that dipped behind the sign and out of sight.  I didn’t know which way to follow!  By 9:00, O’Connor had come in to land on the southeast corner as she does every night and called her three chicks to bed.  Boy can they run!  Especially when mom gives the call.