
Fledge Watch day 19

June 25, 2009 - Ottawa - Delta Ottawa City Centre

CPF Postmaster Reports:

With the day so hot, it is little surprise that our Nihei is still atop Tower 1.  As the air started to cool down a bit this evening, she became a bit more active and beetled around the edge faster than before.  Let’s hope this is the prelude to flying tomorrow.

Tailer seems to like the antenna on the Carlisle Building the best.  He is often found there.  He spent time there with his mother several times today.  He also had lessons in catching food dropped by Connor and never missed a beat!  At one time today, he went to the top of the antenna with his wings out straight, feeling the wind, and appeared to rise up in the air with no effort of his wings.

The parents are still trying incentive flying to get Nihei off the Tower.  I wish they would stop feeding her until she flies.  Right now she has little reason to fly since she gets most of what she wants by sitting on the ledge of Tower 1.

I think she will soon try her wings out again, especially as we are very short of volunteers, many shifts have no one signed up.  However, when she goes, let’s hope she does it right……….

Eve Ticknor