
Another day of thunderstorms

June 29, 2009 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre

Jan Chudy Reports:

During the course of the morning, and before the thunderstorms, I only ever had two juveniles in sight at any time.  At 11 a.m. as I checked the roof (literally) of 100 Adelaide, a juvenile flew off from food towards the Sheraton and loud kaking was heard from the east.  Turning around I found a large juvenile on the west side of the Bell building, clearly annoyed that its sibling had been disturbed.  In the afternoon, once the thunderstorm had passed, I spotted one juvenile on the SW corner of 150 York and one on the north wall of the building directly to the south of that.

Many thanks to Oxford Properties who gave me access to the roof to check out a “suspicious” package, and to security guard Nicholas.