
!!! An attempt to go back

June 20, 2009 - Toronto - King Street

Linda Woods Reports:
The afternoon and evening at 18 King St. remained mainly uneventful. The three fledglings remained on King Edward Hotel and # 1 Toronto St.
The newly fledged bird # 3 stayed at the top of # 1Toronto during the heavy mist and rain that rolled into Toronto this afternoon.
After a break in the weather the three gathered on the King Edward Hotel, where they were fed . Another feeding for Little Speck at 7p.m and the adult brought food to the juvies on KEH.  Leftovers were then taken back to the nest ledge where Little Speck got second helpings.
Around 7:25 the juvie that was on the chimney of the King Edward Hotel took off and attempted a return to the nest ledge and just missed, and hung onto the area just beneath the nest for a few seconds, then released and ended up on the top window ledge of CHFI.
The two other juvies huddled at the base of the chimney as more rain, fog and mist rolled into the area. 
At dark, the bird on CHFI had not moved, and the chimney birds had settled for the night.
Good flights, staying high. And the adults entertained us with a few episodes of “Running of the Gulls”