

April 15, 2009 - Burlington - Lift Bridge

Sue McCreadie Reports:

Bill and I were at the Lift Bridge this  afternoon between 2:00 and 3:00 and witnessed the most unbelievable aerial display.  The first clue that something was up was lots of ee-chupping.  The next thing we knew, a bird came flying out of the nest box and the chasing and diving and screaming at one another began.  We never actually saw a strike, but it was pretty intense.  It went on for at least 40 minutes.  We thought that it was definitely a male and female as there was a great size difference.  When we got home and downloaded the photos, this is what we found:

1.  The large bird appears to be a juvenile with black over green bands

2.  The smaller bird was an adult with a black bland on the right leg and a silver band on the left leg

Unfortunately, we were unable to read any band numbers, but we will try again tomorrow.

When the chase was over, the adult bird returned to the nest box, disappeared inside, and the other bird disappeared somewhere behind the Burlington Tower

Very interesting happenings.  It is possible we have a 2008 Juvenile trying to take over with the adults trying to chase it away or do we have a Juvenile that has taken over the territory from ‘Our Mom’?  Hmmmm!

Juvenile??? Juvenile??? Black Over Green Band The Chase The Adult The Attack