
New Games

July 21, 2008 - Burlington - Lift Bridge

Sue McCreadie Reports:

Hi All, I just had to report this as it was just so funny to see.

There must be something in the water in Burlington to cause this unusual behaviour. This afternoon, the girls took off, flying just above the trees, on the lake side of the Burlington pier. We watched them dip and dive and saw that they were picking leaves from the top of the trees. The next thing we knew, Nebesny arrived back at the “picnic table” with leaf in talons, followed closely by Nellie. As Barry said, “these birds must want salad with their Pigeon McNuggets.” Hopefully, you will be able to see the “salad” in the talons in this photo Bill took of Nebesny on the “picnic table”.

Reported by Sue McCreadie.
Photos by Bill McCreadie - The two juveniles playing with the tree branches, - “A little dalid perhaps?”

picnic table Salad