
No Flyers

June 11, 2008 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre

CPF Volunteer Reports:

Again today none of the 3 young Peregrines took to the air. Alot of flapping and running the ledge was seen in the afternoon. A few feedings were observed one at about 815am the other as “the kids were being put to bed”. Mark,myself,Baylie and new volunteer Diana watched and passed on information to many passerby,local residents and local business patrons. The young spent a great deal of the evening sitting on the edge of the ledge. About 12:50pm,the female adult took after a Turkey Vulture. She hit it at least 5 or 6 times,more as warnings then trying to kill it. She chased it around for at least 10minutes as the Vulture circled while being attacked. Finally it disappeared to the west over a big construction crane. Never a dull moment.

Reported by Frank Butson.