!!! Lots of Activity Today!
June 16, 2008 - Toronto - King Street
Linda Woods Reports:
Lots of action at the King St. site today. Dougal continues to fly very well, his sister has finally made it off the King Edward Hotel and was found early this morning on the Mercatto buidling on Court St. Later in the morning, both Dougal and his sister Gwenny were seen feeding on #1 Toronto.
Third juvie has fledged but at this time is unaccounted for. Probably down on a roof top and out of view. Thanks Harry, Zoe, Lorne, Paul, and Toshiko and Jan for your help today and always.
Around 11:30 today at lot of commotion around King and Victoria Sts. Both adults were vocalizing very loud. I looked towards all the noise and saw both adults very low at the intersection running off a Turkey Vulture. The adults made contact with the TV just outside Tim Horton’s. The TV than turned northward as the peregrines were forcing it out of the air. It flew very low ( about I story above the road).
I went over to see if they actually forced the vulture to the road. It had landed on a second story ledge near Adelaide and Victoria St.While I struggled to find my camera for movie shots, the peregrines continued to force the bird off the ledge by the continued stooping. When I looked back to take the picture the TV was gone and so were the peregrines. Absolutely incrediable to see that in downtown Toronto.
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