
Getting close

June 12, 2008 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre

Linda Woods Reports:

A quick check on the Sheraton birds and all is well. Belle, of course had taken up her position on the lip of the nest tray, while Unity was busy preening and Lily was napping.

The daily checks on this site will increase in frequency as the chicks get closer to fledge dates which is very soon.

Volunteer observers are still required,especially if people work in the offices in and around the hotel.
Once the young birds start to fly, we will be needing the assistance “eyes in the sky” to help with spotting the young flyers when they go out of sight from volunteers on ground level.
This would be most helpful in the evenings and week-ends, as well as during office hours.
pls contact me at, if you are available to participate.( binoculars are very helpful for this)
