
Peregrine Display

April 30, 2008 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre

CPF Volunteer Reports:

I shall try to keep this report as unemotional as possible. At 4:30 I was on a phone call when my neighbor came running it pointing to the sky. I looked but could not see anything and carried on with my call. A few moments later, two peregrines hove in to sight. At first I thought they were fighting, then I realized they were playing. It was an amazing sight. Close flying, talon tag, upside, rolls, etc. All executed fast and slow. The show lasted almost 15 minutes before I lost them both. Now, things brings out some questions. Via the web I could ascertain that both the Sheraton and King Street eggs were being incubated. So, who are these two birds. For me, there were two other important issues. When the female flew by me the first time, she was slightly lower than my window, going east to west. I am not one hundred percent certain, but she did seem brown rather than grey. Secondly, the male seemed to wobble frequently - and that reminded me of Windwhistler/Spike!! So, that was yesterday’s exciting news.

Reported by Jan Chudy.