The Canadian Peregrine Foundation


January - February 2001

Tuesday February 27, 2001
Bernie Ladouceur reports:
   I  saw  Connor and Horizon together on the Crowne Plaza a few minutes ago. Horizon was on the southeast corner and Connor was on south side, more or less in the middle.

Monday February 19, 2001
Arlene Williams reports:
   Bob Boisvert, my colleague and co-worker on the 20th Floor of Tower C, Place de Ville just dropped by my office to say that Horizon is currently perched on the southeast corner of the Crowne Plaza Hotel. The wind and snow are blowing around her and I do not know why she would choose to be perched on such a cold corner of the hotel during this morning's mini-blizzard. Guess she had to go somewhere, but, I would have thought that below the ledge of the southeast corner would be a bit more protection.

Wednesday February 14, 2001
Marcel Gahbauer reports:
   Over the past week there have been a couple of additional sightings of Horizon at the Coates Building in the Tunney's Pasture complex.  On one of these occasions, she was seen giving a crow a good chase away from her preferred perch.

Wednesday February 7, 2001
Eve Ticknor reports:
   I went down to the Coates building on a hunch this afternoon, getting there around 3:40pm and there she was, perched on the 3rd column from the southwest corner (across from the Holland Cross), all fluffed out and looking comfortable while surveying the southern area of her "queendom"....  During the 1/2 hour I was there she didn't move at all, other than to turn her head once in a while.  She was in the sun from time to time when clouds permitted.

Friday February 2, 2001
Arlene Williams reports:
   Around 9:15 am, Horizon was there in all her glory perched on the northwest corner, opposite my vantage point on the 20th Floor-Tower C-Place de Ville, of the Crowne Plaza Hotel and looking as healthy and majestic as ever.   She has since flown away and possibly looking for her morning feast.    Not too many pigeons perch on top of the Crowne Plaza Hotel when she is around, needless to say.  She has gained a bit of weight so as to endure the winter elements and I am so glad that she has returned to her usual spot.     She would not have come back to the northwest corner unless the wind-washers equipment had been removed recently.    I am now looking forward to updating you all on a regular basis and the soon-to-be return of her mate - Connor.

2:02 pm - She's back and perched on her favourite corner - northwest corner of the Crowne Plaza Hotel.    Saw her in flight and the wing span is enormous and breathtaking.    She is actively turning her head in all directions and contemplating where to fly to next.    I did not think I would be so lucky to see her twice in one day, since Ottawa had been dealing with a major snow storm for the last three hours or so and which has since totally subsided. I cannot tell you how excited I am that she has returned and is favouring my vantage point with her presence.

Monday January 22, 2001
Brenda Sharpe reports:
   Horizon is sitting on Constitution Square right now. It's been awhile since I've been able to confirm a sighting, although I saw what I was pretty sure was her flying quickly by my window one day last week. But that's definitely her there now, looking plump as ever.

Wednesday January 17, 2001
Marcel Gahbauer reports:
   I had quite the surprise this morning around 11:35 am.  I was looking out the window of my apartment in the Walkley / Russell area of east Ottawa, and spotted one of the local pigeons going into an evasive dive.  Sure enough, just above was a peregrine!  Fortunately for the pigeon, this peregrine seemed more interested in travel than lunch, as it was heading east toward Mer Bleue and/or Orleans at a pretty rapid pace.  It definitely was an immature peregrine with a solid brown back, and I believe it was a male, though I can't be positive of this from such a brief sighting.  Could it be that Freedom is still (or again) in Ottawa?  I have a feeling that this was a chance sighting of a peregrine in transit, but I will keep watch for a possible return appearance all the same.  

With regard to Horizon, there has been no news confirming her presence lately.  An adult peregrine (sex uncertain) was spotted at Tunney's Pasture west of downtown Ottawa a few days ago, and this could well have been her, as she has frequented that site in the past.  Presumably once the weather begins warming up a bit, Horizon will become more territorial again.

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