
Ottawa observation.

June 01, 2011 - Ottawa - Delta Ottawa City Centre

CPF Postmaster Reports:

Good morning,
I wanted to share my sightings with you. I always feel so privileged to catch a glimpse into the lives of our resident falcon family. Seeing them tame the wind high above always takes my breath away and their familiar calling invites me to look up and smile in salute. If only everyone knew what a treasure we have living amongst us on their urban cliff.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011 — 2:40 p.m. — I observed an adult falcon taming the wind high above Laurier/Kent/Lyon Streets on this blustery afternoon. By 3:05 p.m. it was still hovering in the sky riding the air currents. It then prepared to dive at breakneck speed after some unsuspecting prey. What a magnificent sight to behold!

N. McKenna

!!! Ottawa is down on eggs!

May 12, 2011 - Ottawa - Delta Ottawa City Centre

CPF Postmaster Reports:

We have just received news from Eve Ticknor that the pair have finally gone down onto incubation! Eve reports that their resident female “Diana”is well hidden, behind a pillar, 2 down from the northwest corner. Sadly, because of the pillars, we will have no way to count eggs nor to tell just when the hatch takes place. It will be a different kind of Falcon Watch this year.

!!! Copulation reported!

May 06, 2011 - Ottawa - Delta Ottawa City Centre

CPF Postmaster Reports:

No eggs as of yet in Ottawa in spite of mating being observed. Both peregrines are staying faithful to the hotel but there is still construction on the roof of the Constitution Square and nearby which may be upsetting their routines.
By the way, the Crowne Plaza Hotel is now known as the Delta Ottawa City Centre.

!!! Birds are very much still on territory!

May 05, 2011 - Ottawa - Delta Ottawa City Centre

CPF Postmaster Reports:

Good morning everyone,

(7:20 a.m.) I was heading towards Kent/Slater Streets and in the distance I admired an aerial show from a pair of adult peregrine falcons. They both cut quite an impressive figure above the bustling city. By the time I reached the Crowne Plaza Hotel I found an adult perched facing inward on the SW corner of the rooftop.
Take care and keep smiling!
N. McKenna

Ottawa adults are both on site and very visible!

April 12, 2011 - Ottawa - Delta Ottawa City Centre

CPF Postmaster Reports:

April 13th /2011
While it is still a little early for eggs in Ottawa for the peregrines, it is worth reporting some of the recent updates and observation reports and question that have been coming in.

With a huge thank you to the reporters, it is being reported that both birds are now being observed daily (and at the same time now), on the Crowne Plaza Hotel upper ledges, (and in particular), both in and on the south west and south east corners of same. While these spots on the ledges are also favoured roosting spots, the increased photo-cell, longer days and the sun starting to both appear and stay more often these days, we expect to see some serious courtship activity very soon. Copulation, egg fertilization and production is not far away!

The birds have for the most parts in recent years utilized both ledges on the southeast and southwest sides to lay and incubate their eggs and raise their families. Sadly, with the un-timely scheduled window washing activities over the past years and the territorial battles between squabbling females fighting it out for the nest site, it is very likley that these additional stresses have added to the recent problems of low production at this nest site.

Historically, the site had always been a low production site.

As a result of these types of disturbances and intrusions, it has forced the birds to move back and forth to the opposite sides of the building during the birds courtship, nest ledge selection routines, and the critical period of egg fertilization, egg production and egg laying processes.

We can only hope that at least the non-essential and critical human activities will be held off until later in the summer and that the territorial disputes diminish to allow the birds the space they need to both lay, incubate and successfully hatch their eggs, and raise their hatchlings to fledge.
Stay tuned………

Ottawa grins still doing their pigeon control!

November 01, 2010 - Ottawa - Delta Ottawa City Centre

CPF Postmaster Reports:

Yesterday afternoon I spotted a male peregrine chasing a flock of pigeons around the buildings at the corner Queen and Bank. I didn’t see if he was successful or not but they made several circuits of the nearby buildings before eventually disappearing so I’m 100% positive (I’m on the 8th floor of Albert and Bank street so they were slightly below me) of what I saw.

!!! Sad news to report, Nihei from 2009 has died.

August 19, 2010 - Ottawa - Delta Ottawa City Centre

CPF Postmaster Reports:

I am sad to report that our Nihei of last season has died. She had been found badly injured in Saint-Germain-de-Grantham, Quebec last September 9th. She was brought to a wildlife clinic with multiple fractures (scapula & coracoid ) and was cared for by a vet there. Unfortunately she contracted a bacterial infection and died. At least she was with caring people when she died.

Eve Ticknor

!!! Very unusual behaviour!

June 27, 2010 - Ottawa - Delta Ottawa City Centre

CPF Postmaster Reports:

There has been an interesting development with the Ottawa falcons. After more than five weeks of incubating three eggs to no avail, Diana and Connor were expected to abandon their nest. Last Tuesday brought a surprise: While one of the old eggs was fractured and now outside the nest, there were still three eggs in the nest. That means Diana laid another egg while still incubating two of the old ones. By Wednesday, the egg outside the nest was gone, but they continued to incubate three eggs as usual.
This behaviour — adding a new egg to an existing clutch after weeks of incubating - (and whle currently still incubating) — is unusual, to say the least. If anyone has ever encountered this phenomenon before, or can explain it, please let us know.
It’s not likely that the new egg has been fertilized, but we continue to monitor the nest to see what our falcons might do next.

Photo by Anouk

!!! Sad news indeed! The Ottawa nest has failed this year!

June 21, 2010 - Ottawa - Delta Ottawa City Centre

admin Reports:

Hello All
Unfortunately Ottawa’s Falcon Watch will not be taking place this year. Diana’s 2nd attempt at hatching her 3 eggs seems to have failed, and a 3rd attempt is unlikely.

We are keeping an eye on her, but are now looking forward to the 2011 season.

Thank you for your support for our falcon family, and for our volunteers’ efforts.

!!! Zanar has been located, and with her new family of four!

June 11, 2010 - Ottawa - Delta Ottawa City Centre

CPF Postmaster Reports:

We have just received some great news from Mary Beth down in New York state.
She has been closely monitoring the nesting activities of the Ogdensburg bridge peregrines and in addition to finding out that the pair have in fact produced four hatchlings this year, and nesting on the Canadian side,,, she has been able to identify the band number of the resident adult female!
I just checked the band number against our records and we have been able to positively identify the identity of the resident adult female as being named “ Zanar”,, produced at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Ottawa Ontario on 2004, banded Black 69 over Black K, with a sliver USFW band # 168705686

Zanar was banded at 25 days old, 920 grams – (empty crop weight), June 11th 2004
Thanks You Mary Beth!