Sunday at MEC. Josally Doing Great and Olimar Needing to Catch Up
June 06, 2016 - Mississauga - Executive Centre
Bruce Massey Reports:
MEC Fledge Watch-Day 3.
June 5/2016
5:30 AM.: Arrived at MEC, found one bird in the position Winston last saw it. The rain has ended but still a little bit misty.
5:55 AM.: Adults in to nest ledge vocalizing. This woke the kids up and pretty soon they were quite noisy.
6:05 AM.: One of the adults ( I think the male) took out a starting over the parking lot and took it up to feed them.
7 :00 AM.- There’s been no flights by the juveniles in the last hour. However, they have been flopping around and currently one is out of sight around the corner.
8 :00 AM.- Juveniles split up on the northwest corner and decided to lay down. Have only seen one since then. And then around 8:30, I saw a bird coming from the west. What got my interest is that as he soared and turned he sort of did a wing flutter typically something the juveniles do. Anyway I did, I walk about but couldn’t find him.
10:00 AM: Finally both Juveniles popped up on the corner. Adult Male also seen at same time.
5 :00PM- Finally, a flight by a juvenile, that had Josally doing a “Bat” On the wall about 2 feet above the Nest Tray. He let go and landed at the nest tray. Olimar is still on 3 Robert Speck Parkway.
It was a pretty uneventful late morning through to early afternoon. Around 2 o’clock are so, Margaret came and gave me a second set of eyes until around 4 o’clock. An hour so before she left we had a series of thunder storms and strong winds.
5:00 PM- Finally. a juvenile flies. I didn’t see it leave the building, but I caught it circling around and doing the bat maneuver just above the Nest Ledge height. He then let go and flew on to the ledge. When I scoped this juvenile it turned out to be the blue tape Josally that flew
6:00 PM: Winston showed up to relieve me, and I updated him him and headed home for something to eat and go to bed.
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