
Another bad day for our beautiful Lilly :(

June 29, 2015 - Toronto - Don Mills and Eglinton - Amexon

Cathy Kerr Reports:

While out spot checking this evening, I had to rescue Lilly once again :(  She was found in the bushes at ICICI, facing her nest, her home.  Covered in mud, and I was fairly certain, hurt.  I called Mark, and as it was fairly late, Irma and I took her up to Kortright for him to examine her.  After spraying the dirt off her with a fine mist from a spray bottle, she perked up abit but was dragging her wing :(.  Mark hydrated her, fed her, and said she should be seen by Toronto Wildlife vet who had looked after her fractured keel, and that he would take her tomorrow morning.

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