Canada Square update mainly for July 26 2014
July 27, 2014 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton
Marion Nash Reports:
I was out on July 21 but it was slow so I was only out for an hour and a quarter. In all that time I saw a seaplane flying REALLY low over the apartment building at 411 and I am sure this set two peregrines to flight. They must have been as startled as I. Three minutes later I spotted a juvie on the ledge at the side of the windows on Rio-Can (RC) on the fourth floor. He spent the next hour and eleven minutes there. Initially he was occupied cleaning his talons but he was hardly able to reach them he had such a barrel shaped crop. He did a 180, did his business and made another 180 and that was the extent of his activities apart from occasionally opening or closing an eye. I managed to get colour on his band and identified him as Chinook.
Today July 26th was a little more promising. I was out from 4:00 pm until 6:00 pm. It took me half an hour to get colour on one band and I was only able to get the colour on the second band when I was at the computer at home.
There was little activity at first. Some flights over the bus bays and then one juvie flew onto the third ledge south of the concrete wall on Canada Square. This was my first ID, yellow tape, Linden. Both Malik and Haven did fly-by’s. Haven’s was more of an escape to the north. Later on when Malik was circling the bus bays and Y/E intersection and the Canada Square roof, young Linden flew onto that roof. Chinook, later ID’d, flew to the antenna on top of 2180 Yonge.
I was talking to a few people and did not catch every movement so was a tad surprised when two juvies flew off RC. The two juvies spent some time flying over all the tall building especially the tall condo as there must have been lovely updrafts there. They really used the wind to their advantage by just cruising along and then turning and sweeping away at an exciting pace, with the breeze. Two of them have been flying for one month and four days now and they are doing splendidly. The later fledgling, although off to a slow and low start, is also flying really well.
I did have a giggle at two landings today. The first was when Linden flew onto the third ledge and did a *J-up* landing but then lost his balance and fell forward a bit and so flapped his wings. It was not an elegant landing. The second one was when the two juvies were flying around the top of the tall condo and one landed on a north east spire. The juvie chasing him flew up to do the same thing but was feet short of the top, fluttered awkwardly and then aborted the attempted landing. He flew out and back a bit higher and then managed to knock his brother off his perch. There were a few dives and chases and talon touches but not many.
Haven flew in from north of 411 Duplex Ave with Chinook in hot pursuit but all his effort was in squawking at her. She flew over the bus bays, over Y/E intersection, east a bit and then came back over Canada Square and landed very neatly on the nest ledge and disappeared to the back. Chinook was just coming back over Canada Square at this point and had no idea where Haven had gone. He was out over the bus bays when Haven burst out of the nest ledge and again flew north. In spite of their agility in the air these juvies are not as good as Haven or Malik, yet! Eventually Chinook came to rest on the antenna on top of Canada Square for a bit. However, by the time I had packed my bags there were two juvies on the south west corner of RC and that is where I left them, peering hopefully into the area for a meal.
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