
!!! Canada Square catch up

July 16, 2014 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

Marion Nash Reports:

On Sunday morning, July 13th, at 7:01 I heard the squawking of a hungry youngster. It did not last long so I assumed he was fed. At 8:17 the same morning I again heard squawking. I was not awake enough to go and check. Just before 6:00 pm I went out. I was treated to the sight of and adult and juvie over Rio-Can (RC). Very soon after that Haven flew over RC and then Canada Square with a small food parcel. Haven was not giving that over easily and flew back to RC where she deposited it and the juvie took it. Haven eventually settled on the south face of RC. A juvie flew over Canada Square and south towards Davisville and was gone from view. Twenty minutes later Malik and a juvie were flying all over the top of RC, the Y/E intersection and Canada Square. They were quite high and circled and swooped for a few minutes before disappearing from view. I have no idea how many juvies I saw or whether it was the same one. All flights were strong.

Fast forward to today, July 15, when I heard a juvie squawking at approximately 2:00 pm. I eventually was out at around 6:00 pm. I did not have long to wait!! I had a wonderful private viewing of what the three, (3, count them) juvies can do.
The show started off quite slowly with one juvie flying in from the west, over 2190 Yonge and then to 2180 Yonge where he circled the antenna and played *touch-and-go* unsuccessfully and circled to try again. Three minutes later there were two juvies in the air over RC. One had just been kiting or hovering and the second one flew in at huge speed and they both turned and talon touched. Because of the speed and quick turn I thought that may have been an adult but it was a juvie. The two of them flew together over the Y/E intersection and Canada Square and south to the antenna atop 2180 Yonge.
Malik then entered the equation and flew over the tall condo, was joined by the twosome and all three flew back over Duplex Ave and somewhere west. Malik then took off and the *twosome* were left in his dust. They knew they were *bested* and simply kited where they were, back over 2180 Yonge. That was a temporary arrangement. A third peregrine flew in and I thought *oh dad is back*. Not so !!
For another twenty minutes I had three juveniles in the air, together and apart. Haven flew through the airspace once and went south. The three juvies then played every conceivable game they could, all in the airspace above Rio-Can, Canada Square, the Y/E intersection, the old bus bays, Duplex Ave and the Police Station. I had a front row seat to all this. They swooped and dived on one another at heart stopping (for me ) speeds. They turned and presented talons, sometimes just two and sometimes all three juvies. How they did not become entangled I don`t know. They practised hovering and kiting and did a few touch-and-goes. One little chappie was at the antenna on 2180 and had his wings spread doing a touch-and-go, I think, but he was near the end of one of the right jutting rods and kept moving right and more right and I knew what was coming! He *fell off* but of course just flew as if nothing untoward had happened.
The three also played tag or catch-me-if-you-can. Again I emphasise this was at great speed. Thank goodness they were high. There was a breeze on the ground and I think they found something they liked over the high buildings and simply used the wind to their advantage. Everything was so effortless! Rio-Can appeared to be the predominant playground of choice today until they flew up Duplex to number 500 where they played on the antenna a bit before disappearing altogether.
They are poetry in motion in the air now. Much of the *flap- flap* flight has disappeared and they fly almost effortlessly. They know to keep their height and they do!

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