
Brampton North Pair Active Once Again

March 23, 2014 - Brampton - Courthouse

Tracy Simpson Reports:

This winter, the Hwy 10 corridor north into downtown Brampton has been rather quiet.  For the most part, watchers were only seeing Midnight, the resident female, hanging around and her appearances were even then sporadic.  Over the past week or so, the level of activity has certainly increased with the re-appearance of a male in the territory.  While we have not confirmed who the male is yet, we can say for certain that there is a territorial pair.  This excerpt is from a report that has come in from Toivo, Grace and Maria, our key Brampton watchers.

Don’t know who he is but yesterday Maria phoned me to tell me she and Grace were looking at a pair on the BDC building. Today I sat and watched as they checked out the top ledge at the George st condo…. in and out of the ledge between the uprights, heads bobbing and talking the whole time.  Then a pair flight , quite comfortable with each other, so he has been there a few days.  We will keep you updated as well as we can but too high for good pics that would ID him.  If I can catch him on the BDC bldg we will give it a try. Its Midnight …she is much lighter on the back now but last week I got  a good look and saw both bright leg bands!!

Toivo , Grace and Maria

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