!!! Update Hercules, Gwenis and Tecumseh
June 13, 2013 - Windsor - Ambassador Bridge
Dennis Patrick Reports:
Thank You to Marliese and Marilyn
Hercules can fly like the wind….finally….
After three days of a very comfortable life walking about the lower concrete levels, being well fed and trying a few scary low flights ending in grass walkabouts, Hercules took to the skies at 4:30 this afternoon. We had been lulled into ignoring his sleeping form when he suddenly took off and landed on the roof of the red brick building. That lasted for about 5 minutes when he took off heading for the nest. He almost made it, but aborted at the last minute having miscalculated , swooped around in a big circle under the bridge and gracefully landed on a ledge half way up the west wall. Whew…cheers of relief from all proud parents on the ground.
The aerial parents promptly rewarded him by dropping a bird on the ledge and feeding him. This was a surprise since this morning, she delivered a bird with all its feathers to the low level and watched for half an hour as he made his first attempt to deal with feathers. He actually managed to rip the thing apart and get some food but she finally came down, ripped off the big feathers in front of him and fed him, another teachable moment. Last seen, he was hunkered down in the rain on the middle west wall.
The two birds in the nest, got very little food today, but a lot of fly byes from both parents. There was hectic wing flapping all day giving us some scary moments. The best bet from all of us is that they will fly tomorrow, maybe both of them, judging both by the birds and the parents behaviour. Tecumseh has very little down left, only a bit on his rump and is as active as Gwennis.
Keep your fingers crossed for a calm night.
Calendar; we now have a weatherproof calendar with a dry write pen so we can write and wipe off additions. (we need a rainproof grease pencil). Please fill in your sat and sunday availability as we have nothing confirmed yet. It is on the back of the week one.
Keep watching the skies!
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