
Three Rescues in Two Days - WHEW

June 07, 2013 - Burlington - Lift Bridge

Sue McCreadie Reports:

When Bill arrived at the bridge this morning around 8am, the gang from Rochester were there to greet him.  The girls from Rochester beat the locals.  How about that!


Bill found Hadfield on the top arch of the Skyway. Isabelle was still in the nest box.  Sarah was found in the trees on the lake side of the Burlington pier being dived on by Red Wing Blackbirds.  Lancaster was on the Bay Side Cable arm of the Burlington Tower.  It’s always a relief to find them in the morning.


Now, I cannot begin to report on all the important and successful happenings of the day, so this just a quick recap.


1.  Isabelle fledged and had a strong flight between the two towers.

2.  Sarah got herself out of the tree and on to the top walkway of the Lift Bridge which she walked until 6:15pm.  Being dive bombed by Red Wing Blackbirds once again, she left the top of the bridge and flew around both towers.  Unfortunately with the Red Wing Blackbirds in hot pursuit, she came to the ground behind the fence under the Hamilton Tower.  Rescue protocol into place.  We Contacted the Control Tower for assistance in opening the gate.  After another safe recovery, a call was placed to Tracy Simpson of CPF.  She would be down to do a health check and make sure Sarah was not hurt.  Early this evening the Rochester Gals arrived to lend a hand and stayed with us until Sarah was released back into the nest box. 


Many thanks go to:

MAK, Joyce, Carol, Kathy, Dana and Lisa from Rochester. 

Bill McCreadie for the rescue. 

Bruce Massey and Barry Cherriere for the assist. 

Tracy Simpson for the scary release to the nest box with Mom and Dad attacking and Rocky Raccoon climbing the bridge structure. 

Also, the Lift Bridge PWGSC employees for their assistance.

Photos courtesy of MAK from Rochester. 

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