
The kids are alright!

June 21, 2013 - Kitchener - CTV-Bell Media Tower

Lisa Reh Reports:

June 21st - 2013
Karen von Knobloch observed: “…Arnie and Big Al ‘duking’ it out at 2 different times during my 2 1/2 hour watch yesterday between 11:15 am and 2 pm. At one point all 5 peregrines were around and I think even one of the young ones may have been at the Sun Life roof just below the nest box along the flashing. Caster was sitting on top of the nest box at the time. I think it was one of the kiddies as it was flapping around a bit and seemed a little unsure of itself.“

Quiet afternoon at the nest - Michael Hilborn reported: “I went over to the nest site on Friday afternoon at 3 p.m. where all was quiet. At first I saw nothing but then spotted Miss Fran poking her head over the roof of the Kings Towers. None of the others were in sight. A few minutes later, she took off and made the short flight to the top of the tower over the nest drum and sat there, keening softly. She remained there for the next 30 minutes until I left. A few minutes later when I was out of sight of the tower, I heard a great deal of activity. Apparently one of the other birds had returned. There may have been a food delivery or perhaps she was just glad to see someone.”

In the evening, Debbie, Owen, Karen, Lisa, and Steve observed Statler with all 3 kids.

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