Ramjet living up to his name.
June 22, 2013 - All Reports
Marion Nash Reports:
Arrived this morning to find all birds just where we left them the evening before and settled down with my coffee to wait for the family to wake up. some people read the paper or watch the morning news but at this time of year I have no idea what is going on in the world of humans it’s all about the birds.
9:58 Finally Imagine jumped down to the open level below the *nest ledge*, followed shortly thereafter by Tinia so the girls have left the playpen as we call it and are on the porch just below the nest, just minutes later the fun started.
Haven who was siting out of site of the chicks on the old nest ledge flew out and past them. I believe to check on them and as she did they started yelling and Stomin joined her.
Someone flew or shall I say soared to the south west corner of Canada Square and dropped down to it was it. Ramjet who was on the ledge to the left of the nest is no longer there was it him? or was it one of the girls as I can only see 1 of them now did one of the girls fly or is she just backed up where I cant see her?
When dust had settled and two girls were still on level below the nest it was determined that Ramjet had made the flight.
12:10 Haven flew off antenna due east - Stormin flew to old nest.
12:14 Stormin stooped on pigeon old bus bays to FIVE feet off the ground immediately in front of me but missed not the all youngsters yelling for food. Another dive same area and her got a small bird and by 12:18 took in small food parcel and Tinia took it and the tug of war started with her sister who is bigger than her by the way , Tinia won and hopped off to the opposite corner to eat.
12:20 Stomin took another bird in front of me and dropped that off for Imagine.
6:50 in the evening Haven flew to the two females and dropped a parcel, much squawking brought Ramjet who had been hiding in the shade most of the day into view on the Canada Square roof.
7:00 Ramjet hopped his way along the roof to the area overlooking the nest and level below.
7:59 Stormin circled above Canada Square several times showing his son and then flew south to the antenna atop 2180 Yonge.
8:01 Ramjet flew. He climbed over the black building, (2190 Yonge) circled back high over Canada Square and then came down to the roof off the building on top of Canada Square.
8:03 Ramjet flew again circled over Canada Square a couple of times, again over 2190 Yonge and then circled UP AND OVER Rio-Can/
He circled Rio Can once, then back over Canada Square, dropped behind it reappeared and then made straight for Rio Can and landed on the roof!
This entire flight during which he flapped and soared was just about two minutes. Haven flew to check on him.
8:10 Stormin flew in circles four or five times over Canada Square gaining height even more and was joined by Dad for a few circles when Dad flew to the top of the Quantum Condo.
8:17 RJ came off Rio Can circled gaining height again flew to almost the top of quantum 2 condo at 2191 Yonge (54 storeys) then dropped down to the roof of Quantum 1 condo at 2181 Yonge 39 storeys.
8:21 RJ flew again circled over Canada square and to Quantum 2 and brushed a wall, fell four floors, recovered, flew, circled and then flew back to Quantum 1 roof same spot where we left him at the end of the watch feeling a little proud of himself. He has got it! now it’s up to his sisters and I hope the do as well perhaps 1 of them will take flight tomorrow.
Stay tuned I hope I got this up intime for your morning coffee.
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