
!!! Miss Fran’s First Flight!!!

June 17, 2013 - Kitchener - CTV-Bell Media Tower

Lisa Reh Reports:

Everyone was safe & sound at first light. Arnie finally flew from the middle of the tower (where he was last night when Rudy left him at 9:30) right back into the nest drum. Big Al joined him a few minutes later. Hunger probably drove them back to familiar territory. All chicks were in the drum when Statler arrived with food at 8:00 am. When Karen hit the watch at 10:00, both boys were on the top platform and Miss Fran was by herself in the drum. One of the adults was either in the tower or very nearby. The adults then flew to the nest box on Union Street.

Dale was on the watch when at 5:10 p.m. Miss Fran took her first flight!!! She flew back to the centre struts of the tower, below the nest box! She was staying put as the boys tested their wings a few more times. When they got too far out Caster swooped in and escorted them back to the upper level of the tower. Statler fed both boys after Miss Fran’s first flight. After all the excitement Caster went back to his usually resting place in the nest box on Union St. while Statler babysat.

From 7:00 – 9:00 p.m., Miss Fran stayed in the middle of the tower, while Arnie, Big Al and Statler were on the top platform. Both boys took some flights. One of them took 2 flights earlier, and then stayed on the very top metal rack in the center. The other also took quite a number of flights. Caster then delivered food, stayed for a while, and took off. Statler made some quick preparations and flew to the aerial immediately to the south. The boy on the top metal rack stayed but didn’t eat. The second boy eventually hopped out, took more flights, and joined mom on the other aerial. Judging from the flight ability, it was probably Big Al. Another big day for our young family of falcons! Congratulations Miss Fran!!!

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