
Hurry Up and Wait

June 20, 2013 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

Marion Nash Reports:

We arrived this morning to find Ramjet just where we left him up on the ledge beside the nest still sleeping and the girls still on the nest.

Not much action in the morning all until 12:52 when Stormin alarm calling flew over the old bus bays then west over Duplex Ave– three Turkey Vultures flying high over Rio-Can, Canada Square and south, Mom sitting just above the nest watched and let him dispatch them out of the area.

5:03 Haven took a small bird to the nest ledge, babies came toward her nearly pushing her off the ledge so she released the bird and much to our surprise it flew off both Haven and Stormin gave chase but it escaped I expect she is trying to bring injured food to let he babies know that their food starts live and get them to do the final kill themselves.
She is weening them now so when she does feed it’s every bird for themselves and one of them grabs the food and does not want to share until they have had their fill.

6:59 Haven chased a gull that came too close to the nest back and forth, climbed high and dived on it over Y/E intersection but missed – gull yelling at every dive on it – eventually it left.

7:50 Haven and Ramjet flew from over the Y/E intersection. Haven landed on wall north of nest and RJ flew onwards and was not able to target the top and clutched onto the cement wall, then flew down, up and around, back to the level below the nest on ne corner of Canada Square and walked back to the NW corner near *mom* there he stayed until the close of the watch.
No flight at all from the girls so it’s Hurry up and wait!


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