
Haven and Stormin at Canada Square

June 02, 2013 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

CPF Volunteer Reports:
Just a couple of minutes after I arrived to observe the peregrines I had action and a front row seat. I was watching a pigeon flip-flop flying, as they do, west along Eglinton Ave, through the Yonge and Eglinton intersection when a peregrine homed in on the hapless bird. Haven hit the pigeon and I saw feathers literally flying. Unfortunately she did not get a good grip on the pigeon which ducked and swerved and Haven swooped on it again and missed. By this time the pigeon was so low it was almost on the sidewalk and disappeared from sight.
Stormin had appeared at the time Haven made her second attempt on the pigeon – not sure if he was there for support or to find out how it was supposed to be done.
The two of them flew over and around Canada Square for a couple more minutes before disappearing on the east side of the Rio-Can building. Haven then flew to the Canadian Tire logo on the west side of 2180 Yonge St. This is something new, utilising the flat top of the logo. Stormin was in close attendance and perched on the mast on the same building. They both flew back to the east side of Rio-Can and shortly thereafter Haven flew onto the nest. She did not fly onto the edge of that ledge but rather hovered slightly above the ledge and dropped down.
Haven was there, hidden from view, for about ten minutes before she hopped onto the edge, then back down again and once more back to the edge before flying to the south face of Rio-Can. Shortly after that Haven flew to the wall just north of the nest where she preened.
Stormin flew over Canada Square from east to west, turned and flew south through the gap and between the two Condos and was gone. Haven just ignored the whole exhibition and continued preening. Stormin came back over the taller of the two condos, over Yonge street, flying west at a rate of knots and disappeared somewhere over the crane at Duplex and was gone.
Next I saw of him he flew in from east of Canada Square again, weighed down with a food parcel and landed on the northwest corner of the concrete wall on Canada Square. Haven saw him long before I did and was airborne as he landed. She chupped at him very loudly and attempted to take the food and both disappeared from view. Haven reappeared, victorious, with the food parcel in her talons and she settled down on the corner and tucked in. Stormin was slightly nonplussed and flew east of Rio-Can again. Haven picked up her food parcel and flew to the same level as the ledge below the nest but on the northwest corner where she continued attacking the food. She flew back to the Canadian Tire logo where I assume she stashed the bird she had been eating. Stormin followed her, just checking to see what she was up to. Both flew back, Stormin to RC and Haven to Canada Square. It was raining at that point so I came home.



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