Canada Square Juveniles; A Few Short Reports
June 13, 2013 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton
Tracy Simpson Reports:
Two short Canada Square reports in one
June 8th
I was out for about an hour. Two minutes after my arrival Haven flew off Rio-Can onto Canada Square and perched on the wall to the north of the scrape. Two minutes later I spotted one eyas on the edge looking up at Haven. Shortly thereafter Haven flew to the east side of Rio-Can where I had seen Stormin disappear. The eyas then looked down and I could see the wheels turning as it backed off the edge and disappeared back into the scrape area. Haven checked on the youngsters a couple of times and eventually as I was leaving she settled atop that north wall on Canada Square.
I was out for about an hour. Two minutes after my arrival Haven flew off Rio-Can onto Canada Square and perched on the wall to the north of the scrape. Two minutes later I spotted one eyas on the edge looking up at Haven. Shortly thereafter Haven flew to the east side of Rio-Can where I had seen Stormin disappear. The eyas then looked down and I could see the wheels turning as it backed off the edge and disappeared back into the scrape area. Haven checked on the youngsters a couple of times and eventually as I was leaving she settled atop that north wall on Canada Square.
June 11th
I was out for an hour and a half today. When I arrived at 6pm both adults were on the south face of Rio-Can. There was no sign of the youngsters whilst I was there. Haven flew over the scrape to check on the little ones and perched again on Rio-Can. Twenty minutes later Stormin flew east and also returned to his perch.
At 6:40 Haven flew to the Canadian Tire logo on the west wall of 2180 Yonge to her stash. I saw her struggle with a *big bird*which turned out to be a pigeon. She plucked feathers for five minutes before picking up the pigeon and carrying it to the ledge below the scrape where she continued plucking. She also ate some of the pigeon. Fifteen minutes later Haven picked up the pigeon and flew out and over the Y/E intersection where she circled twice, gaining height before flying onto the scrape ledge. She went right to the back of the ledge and was there until I left thirty minutes later.
These youngsters had better become more active and soon if they are to fly sometime next week which will be in the 35-37 day mark after the first hatch!
I was out for an hour and a half today. When I arrived at 6pm both adults were on the south face of Rio-Can. There was no sign of the youngsters whilst I was there. Haven flew over the scrape to check on the little ones and perched again on Rio-Can. Twenty minutes later Stormin flew east and also returned to his perch.
At 6:40 Haven flew to the Canadian Tire logo on the west wall of 2180 Yonge to her stash. I saw her struggle with a *big bird*which turned out to be a pigeon. She plucked feathers for five minutes before picking up the pigeon and carrying it to the ledge below the scrape where she continued plucking. She also ate some of the pigeon. Fifteen minutes later Haven picked up the pigeon and flew out and over the Y/E intersection where she circled twice, gaining height before flying onto the scrape ledge. She went right to the back of the ledge and was there until I left thirty minutes later.
These youngsters had better become more active and soon if they are to fly sometime next week which will be in the 35-37 day mark after the first hatch!
Posted on June 13, 2013 5:54 am
Observation for Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton
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