
The Afternoon Shift at Don Mills ICICI

July 13, 2012 - International, National and Local News

Bruce Massey Reports:

When I arrived at 2pm, Len was on the TSM building on the north side of Eglinton and Ben was on the northwest sign of the nest building.  Ben took off up to meet Len on the TSM building but landed just above the height that Len was at.  The resident adult female flew in and gave Ben some food that he messily enjoyed and what remained of his meal, he accidently dropped over the ledge to Len.  Lucky for him there was still a bit left!!  A maintenance worker, unaware that the fledglings were up there, entered the roof area and both juvenile males took off.  Ben went high over the area and was soaring beautifully with both adults.  Len headed back over to the nest building and successfully landed on the roof!!  This being Len’s big adventure for the day, he dropped down into the shade and laid down for a nap until 6pm.  It was about that time that Ben flew off the TSM building where he had been napping and flew out to the west.  The adult female was on the Foresters sign watching as he flew but didn’t move.  After a good hour, I still hadn’t seen Ben return but watched as the resident female was paying great attention to an apartment building to the west.  I scoped the building and found Ben sitting on top of a chiller unit where he stayed and roosted until later in the evening.  The adult female then flew off of the Foresters building and over to ICICI.  She was screaming and fluttering like a chick as she then flew over to DeBeers and back again in reaction to the arrival of the resident male.  She and the resident male exchanged a package that she then took up to Len at 7pm for a feeding.  At 7:30pm, Ben flew over to the nest building but botched the landing.  He quickly recovered and flew over to DeBeers, did a bat attempt on the ledge and fluttered down to the top window ledge for a nap.  At 8pm, the adult male returned with more food and did a few fly bys to tease Ben off of the window ledge but he showed no interest.  He then took the food to Len on the roof of the nest building and the family settled in for the night.

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