!!! Finally the young fledgling makes it back “home” - to the upper roof top!!
July 21, 2012 - Kitchener - CTV-Bell Media Tower
Mark Nash Reports:
July 21st - 2012
Day 16 of the fledge watch!
5:20am start , all set up and jr. located on the same elevation he was observed last evening at dark when we closed off the fledge watch, 5the floor elevation, Caroline street side. By 6:45am, Statler finally came down and landed in a tree very close to jr’s position to both check up on him and offer some parental advice. Allot of vocalization was involved between both mom and jr. over the next 20 minutes while they screamed at one another. Needless to say, the small local avian population were also screaming and alarm calling throughout this same time frame and not at all amused with their new visitors. Clearly, (at least through their perspective), the neighbourhood has just become allot more complicated.
Statler eventually left jr. in this spot obviously unable to convince him to “get flying”, and once again, he was left on his own to deal with his new found “friends”. For the next several hours, the smaller birds continued to stoop and dive bomb jr. You couldn’t help but feel bad for him, as his new found avian friends obviously don’t play well with others! He did run across the leading edge of the various ledges on the John street side on several occasions in an effort to avoid and get away from his “new rather hostile friends”!
Throughout the balance of the day, both parents refused to feed jr., and although they were observed throughout the day checking up on him at much higher elevations, it appeared that they were not going to feed him any more until he made efforts to get some higher altitude.
By 8:30pm, and after yet another very long boring 15 hour day (watching paint dry) we had resided ourselves to yet another lost day By 8:30pm, and after yet another very long boring 15 hour day (watching paint dry) we had just about given hope that jr. would be spending another night at a low elevation still unable to get back to the upper roof top .
8:35pm and everything changed - VERY QUICKLY! The 2-way radios lit up with frantic calls from the various watches still holding their positions around the S.L building. HE’S OFF, FLYING AROUND TO PARK STREET, GAIN SOME ALTITUDE, BRUSHED OFF YET ANOTHER WINDOW, AROUND YOUR SIDE!!
Yes, jr; finally took flight, around to the Union Street side, King street side, reverses his direction, now back to Union Street, around to Park Street, reverses direction, back to Union Street, back to King street then out north. Oh my god, he’s running out of steam and way out.
Just when we though he was going to fly out of our sight north, he reversed direction yet again, hooked around back towards the Sun Life building tower and gained altitude as he flew back towards us.
By 9:10pm. Statler has observed flying in with food and fed jr.!! Cheers and screams echoed from the parking lot as it was a very emotional moment for all!!
So he’s back home, finally! The best part of the entire event is just about to start!!
Photos to follow.
Stay tuned………….
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