Catch Up Reports
July 26, 2012 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton
Frank Butson Reports:
Canada Square Peregrine report – catch up again.
July 17th
I saw a peregrine high up and flying over the top of the tall condo. This proved to be Haven. She did not stay more than five minutes. Once she had flown I saw Solar and Haven around the side of Rio-Can. Solar then turned and flew east over Canada Square and was gone. Thirteen minutes later she flew from the east to the north-west corner of RC where she landed. Two minutes later she was gone from sight, however a few minutes after that, I spotted her on the louvered part of the roof. She began a walk along that which did not last. Solar took off and flew around and over RC and went into a stoop over the Yonge/Eglinton intersection before flying south on Yonge, around 2180 Yonge and then up to the antenna atop that building.
Solar was very unsettled. I heard no squawking but I wondered if she was looking for family? Ten minutes after landing on the 2180 antenna she flew again. She came north, flew over Canada Square and then back south of 2180 and was gone, again!
There was one more flight from south of 2180, up and over Canada Square, over the old TTC bus bays, circled back over Canada Square and once more south on Yonge to the antenna on 2180 Yonge. She landed on the far side of the antenna and was out of sight. I had spent an hour waiting and watching for peregrine activity and that was the sum total of it so I went home.
July 18th
I was out at 3:30 pm, earlier than usual, and found Haven on the old nest ledge on Canada Square. Another peregrine was on the level below the nest but north of the wall at the old nest and this proved to be Solar. At 3:45 Haven had disappeared but Solar was still on the lower level. She was hunkered down in the last bit of shade as the sun moved. At 4:38 pm Haven re-appeared on the old nest ledge, she had been *hidden* away in the shade and I guess had taken a nap. At this point Solar flew west of Rio-Can and was gone from sight. Ten minutes later Haven was gone from view again. Two minutes after that I heard squawking coming from the RC roof and sure enough there was Solar. Ten minutes late Solar flew to the nest ledge. I saw Haven *running* with Solar after her and then Haven just took off for RC where she perched 9 floors down.
Three minutes after that encounter, at 5:02pm, Haven flew to a *stash* on the level below nest level, one south of the new nest! She began pulling feathers from the bird she had stashed there and began eating but it was short-lived. At 5:06 pm the little glutton must have seen the feathers and launched herself from the old nest, did a short turn over the old TTC bus bays and found her mom on the level one over from the nest. She landed next to Haven and basically stole the bird Haven was eating. Haven flew back to RC whilst Solar claimed possession by mantling over the prey. What a cheeky little bird she is!!! She plucked feathers and ate until 6:02 at which point she flew to the same height as the old nest but on the north side of Canada Square.
I left two minutes later and as I did Haven flew to the *stash* area to see if there was anything left!! Poor mom, she scratched around and I am not sure whether she found much. She did appear to be pulling at a bit here and there.
July 25th
I was out along Eglinton sometime between 6:00-6:30 pm this evening and saw two peregrines fly onto the old nest ledge on Canada Square. They disappeared to the back but a minute or so later one hopped down onto the lower level and sat at the edge. I was without binoculars so could not tell who they were but I believe them to have been Haven and Solar. Naturally it began to rain so I went into the mall and shopped.
At 7:15 pm I returned to observe and found Haven on the south Face of Rio-Can. At 7:31 Haven flew south along Duplex avenue in a *sort of stoop*, circled behind the black building and then flew north in the gap between the black building and 2180 Yonge. She flew west of Canada Square then north over the Y/E intersection and was gone.
At 7:43 pm both Haven and Solar appeared from the north of Eglinton, talon touched in the vicinity of NE corner of Canada Square before both flew east and out of sight. I sat for another twenty minutes before the rain came and I left.
I have not seen Stormin and Simcoe for well over a week and Solar is flying well. She still appears to be quite dependent on Haven for food but I am sure that will change.
As you can see my reports are rather sporadic. So this will probably be my last *official* report for the peregrines, this year, although I will continue to check on occasion and if there is anything to report I shall do so.
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