
Canada Square Canada Day Report

July 01, 2012 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

Frank Butson Reports:

Canada Square Peregrine report Canada Day !!! July 1 2012

I had misgivings at the end of the watch about the number of peregrines seen off and on. My concern was the two fledglings. Had I seen both? After reviewing my notes and giving it some thought I believe I did see the two young ones.

It all started off very slowly and I came home for about an hour before returning to the outdoors. I had seen only one young one before going in and I think this may have been Solar but I am not sure.

On my return to the watch I found Haven on the top floor of Rio-Can. I also saw a youngster flying high over RC and 411 Duplex, then east a bit and back over RC to disappear. I think this was Simcoe. There was much flying and circling around over the buildings, Canada Square, RC, Black building and 2180 by the peregrines and in the mix I saw Stormin (his tatty feathers told on him) and Simcoe (his fancy and sure flight ID’d him).

Haven, on RC stretched her wings, changed her position and carried out a few other actions and then she flew over 411, up Duplex and over and beyond 500 Duplex and was gone. At about this time there was serious squawking and it was not coming from Rio-Can. It sounded as if it was coming from Canada Square but I could not for the life of me find the peregrine. I searched the roof top and the antenna, the north west corner and old nest ledge and even this year’s nest ledge and come up with zip. Simcoe, sitting on the top of RC was paying no attention to the squawking. When he flew down between the black building and 2180 Yonge the squawking continued and two minutes later I found Solar. She was tucked into the shady part of the ledge NEXT TO the nest ledge and was still calling when I spotted her. So I did see the two young ones. The light was just right and I saw her silver band.

Simcoe flew overhead from behind 53 Division to the east and beyond Heart and Stroke and was gone again. He appeared later on the Canada Square roof and moved right to the edge.

Haven flew around the side of RC to H&S and Stormin circled over Yonge and Eglinton intersection before going east of H&S. Simcoe flew south off the Canada Square roof and circled back onto it before flying off again and eventually ending up on 2180 antenna. He did not land on the large one but chose to perch, precariously, on one of the straight pole things to the left of the antenna, then hopped to the next one.

Haven was doing more flying around the Y/E intersection and then she silently dropped down to the ledge where the pigeons congregate on the black building at the concrete level. No luck there so she flew through the gap, up Yonge street east of Canada Square, circled in front of H&S several times and then flew onto the old nest ledge.

One of the males flew down between the black building and 2180 Yonge again which sent Solar into squawking mode again. Haven had her back to the world on the old ledge, Stormin was on RC seven floors from the top and Solar was also sitting on her same level with her back to the world. As no-one paid any attention to Solar she flapped her wings and walked her ledge then flew. She came over the old TTC bus bays, turned south and also flew between the black building and 2180 Yonge and a bit more south before turning and flying back to land on the opposite side of the wall from Haven, near the old nest ledge. Fifteen minutes later she flew off that perch, out over the bus bays and back onto the third ledge south of the concrete wall. When I left I had Haven on the old nest, Stormin on RC and Solar on the third ledge on Canada Square. I have no idea where Simcoe was at this point.

Pierre had joined me again and spent some time observing the peregrines. I saw the moon rise over the corner of the black building – it was huge, white and not quite full. Beautiful


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