
Acknowledgements and Grateful Thanks

July 26, 2012 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

Frank Butson Reports:

Acknowledgements and grateful thanks!

As I have written my last official report for the 2012 Canada Square nest activities it is once again time to write my thanks. Not in any particular order but as I remember the kindnesses and courtesies received.

Grateful thanks to Neil Armstrong of Northam Realty Advisors Limited and his remarkable team, for their invaluable help during the entire nesting, hatching and fledging period. The monitoring of the nest and the updates received, in the early stages of nesting were invaluable for later co-ordination of banding and fledge watching.

Thanks as always to Mark Heaton of the Ministry of Natural Resources for banding the young peregrines. This is an invaluable service in helping to build and maintain a history of the peregrines. Without this help we would have no idea who was nesting where, nor how many young they produce annually.

Thanks also to Solar Window Cleaning and the gentleman who first extracted the chicks from the nest for banding, faced the wrath of an irate and extremely protective mother, Haven. She dived on him time and time again whilst her chicks were being banded and whilst he placed a nest tray and pea gravel on the ledge for the nestlings’ return. He continued to face Haven whilst replacing the chicks in their new nest tray. This was his second year out on the ledge!!

Thanks to Paragon Security and their staff who helped us innumerable times and in many ways when searching for missing peregrines or when it was necessary to put them back out after dark. Their courtesy and co-operation was much appreciated.

Many thanks to those at 53 Division. We spent many hours on the wall outside the building and were met with only interest, kindness and courtesy from those in the station. The shade in the afternoon at this location and our *perch* made the fledge watch a great deal easier than it would have been had we stood in the sun for those interminable hours. Thanks, too, for your interest in the peregrines and the *history* of this site.

Thank you Marion, of Canadian Peregrine Foundation, for rescuing *my* two babies. You and I sweated together in some really hot and humid weather. Thanks for the introduction to the lovely pick-me-up-in the-heat – yogenfruz!

Grateful thanks to both Frank and Tracy for posting my reports on a regular basis. Your help has been invaluable and really is very much appreciated!!

Thanks are also due to Ron and Carmella for our morning *shade and perch* in front of their home and for allowing the use of their garage drive for the CPF vehicle when in the area. Your courtesy and interest is much appreciated.

Thanks to Maggie and Lance for the company on those many days you also spent in the heat, after work, before work and on your days off! It was much appreciated. Thanks also to Diarmaid (Dermot?) who popped by frequently to catch up on the news of the Peregrines.

Thanks to Caroline who spent time helping out during the watch and to Pierre for his occasional company.

Those in the community who stopped by to inquire what we were doing or to check up on the peregrines deserve many thanks as often you stopped on your way to or from work or shopping. Your interest is appreciated.

I really hope I have not omitted any thanks or acknowledgements! If I have done I sincerely apologise.

I hope to see you all again next year at nesting, hatching and fledging time.


Many thanks to Lyn for all her help all year round with reporting on the Peregrines. Volunteer help like yours is essential to the operation of CPF and to your Peregrines.

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