
I Venture To Guess That We Have A Hatch

May 02, 2012 - Burlington - Lift Bridge

Sue McCreadie Reports:

Although we have no firm evidence of a hatch, ie. little white heads, I’m almost positive we do.  Bill and I spent some time at the Lift Bridge this afternoon.  Mackenzie was hanging out on the Hamilton Cable Arm, bay side.   He landed once on the next box, had what appeared to be a quick conversation, and then returned to the arm.  Cirrus appeared to be restless up and down, up and down.  She is usually not visible in the nest box.  We went down the road by the washroom and she is definitely not laying low.  She is up, appears to be mantling and definitely restless.  Unfortunately it was quite foggy so we couldn’t get a clear view with our scopes.  We will try again when the sky is clear.