
Lots of territorial activity!

March 20, 2012 - Ottawa - Delta Ottawa City Centre

CPF Postmaster Reports:

March 20, 2012
7:20 a.m –8:10 a.m. - It’s a breezy morning in Ottawa. Construction workers are working on the ground level of the Delta Ottawa City Centre hotel while high above Connor is perched on the SW corner of the rooftop. He is keeping a steady eye towards the south of the city. After 5 minutes he takes off over Lyon Street towards the high-rises in that area. Pigeons scatter helter skelter when they spot the falcon heading their way. He heads in back of the Minto Place Suite Hotel and the Minto Towers. I find him again perched on the antenna of 275 Slater Street building (formerly the Standard Life Building). There is quite a bit of activity in the skies around him. Canada geese in v formation briefly catch his attention and then he returns to preening. He is still perched on the antenna when I leave.
Take care,
N. McKenna