
!!! Its still a father and daughter thing!

March 02, 2012 - Brampton - Courthouse

CPF Postmaster Reports:

March 2nd 2012
Brampton Courthouse Nest site

So most of this week was uneventful at the courthouse. Monday and Tuesday had men on the roof and Wednesday and Thursday had rain and snow and thus no Peregrine activity. Friday afternoon however, briefly had Milton and Courtney (presumably - one very white and one juvi) fly by scaring off the pigeons and causing the gulls to make their alarm calls. Milton landed over the courtyard in his usual spot and Courtney landed on an antenna on the roof. Milton then flew off and Courtney landed on a ledge facing west where I watched her with my bins. She stared up at the sky bobbing her head when she took off screaming an alarm call. There were two Red-tailed Hawks above the courthouse, one high and one low, she attacked the lower one from above, it turned over and stuck out its talons. Courtney then flew off and the RT continued on. Welcomed excitement for an otherwise dull week.

Sorry, no pics this time.